VDP-119 Proposal to Empower Member Services Squad


As part of the 2023 Strategic Plan, developing our community and bringing value to VitaDAO contributors has been one of the 5 key initiatives the DAO has been pursuing.

As referenced in VDP-69, a Member Services Squad has been initiated, and in recent months, a new ”Member Services” portal is being developed to provide a unified interface to the DAO, and a platform to offer services to contributors.

This proposal is to empower the Member Services Squad to start rolling out new services to contributors and tokenholders and to make the necessary legal and logistical decisions for launch of the “Member Services” portal.

This proposal references VDP-66, VDP-69, and VDP-101.


Todd White, Esther Klaps, Alex Dobrin, Eleanor Davies


The formation of the Member Services Squad anticipated in VDP-69 is intended to focus a team on the development of new offerings for tokenholders and contributors/members in recognition of their contributions and support of the VitaDAO community.

Many of these services will revolve around tools to simplify or reduce the cost to members to participate in events - with discounts on travel, co-working venues, accommodations and other hospitality services; as well as discounts on products, which will appeal to our members.

Additionally, services being contemplated include both global health insurance, life insurance, and similar personal offerings as well as a tiered-access to curated events in recognition of substantive contributions to VitaDAO through both work effort and financial support.


The negotiation and development of these offerings requires timely discussions and ability to execute.

It is therefore requested that, within the spending limits imposed by VDP-66, that the Member Services Squad be empowered to act on VitaDAO’s behalf, through VitaDAO Global Services, Inc. (per VDP-101) to negotiate and execute the needed legal and logistical steps to bring offers to tokenholders and to further develop the Member Services portal.


If this proposal passes, the above authorizations will occur with immediate effect.

The initial group of offerings will be targeted for launch on or before October 15th.


No additional budget is required. Costs are already anticipated within the Coordination Working Group operational budget.

Success Metrics

  • Launch of Member Services portal for VitaDAO Contributors.

  • Tiered access to curated events and product and services offers which are of value to Contributors.

  • Agree
  • Revisions Requested (Detail in Comments)
  • Disagree
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