VDP-115: Ambassador Program


The Ambassador Program is an initiative to activate mission-aligned people and their local communities to spread VitaDAO’s vision while also, increasing governance participation and democratisation.


Project Manager: @consigli3re

Team: @m_marinova @Alex

Relevance to Strategic Plan

The Ambassador Program is in line with 3 goals under VitaDAO’s Strategic Plan:

  • Increase Community Size
  • Increase Token Utility Value
  • Increase Brand Awareness in General Public


The Ambassador Program, born out of the Seasonal Governance experiment has seen success ever since. The north star metric for the program is to bring our vision of funding early-stage longevity research to local communities worldwide. Similar to the Ethereum Foundations’ ethos, our aim is to empower mission-aligned individuals that believe in the problems VitaDAO is trying to solve whilst also providing value to their local communities (eg. academics, biotech investors, longevity enthusiasts etc .) in diversely targeted locations (biotech hubs, universities like Oxbridge etc.). Organising events like these help educate people on why research funding should be decentralised and also adds value back to VitaDAO by spreading awareness of our initiatives to see our vision through, increasing VITA holders, governance participation and democratisation.

The Ambassador Program’s progress since Season 0 can be looked up here:


The KPIs and success metrics (quantitative & qualitative) have been laid out clearly for a 6-month period. The rewards for ambassadors will be distributed as a consequence of organising successful events:


  • Number of attendees per event - 30
  • Conversion rate (sign-ups to actual attendees) - 25%
  • Recurring attendees (reward as a multiple to general attendee) - 15%
  • Number of ambassadors (interviewed & recruited from applicants) - from 2 now to 10
  • Number of diverse local communities (recruited from applicants) - from 3 now to 10
  • Number of events organized - 4 per month
  • Number of academic institutions represented - at least 1 partner at each event eg. Oxford/Cambridge for London (can be easier with fellowship collaboration)


  • Quality of academic institutions represented - vetted by a sci-comm unbiased contributor (@m_marinova ) on the team
  • Community feedback - simple 1-5 star rating through Little Atlas + optional box for constructive feedback)


The budget will cover ops & expenses for the program over a 6-month period. The program falls under the budget of the Community and Awareness Working Group. The budget we formulated is well below the 65,000 USDC said to be sectioned off for the rest of the year. The detailed breakdown and scenarios are available in this spreadsheet we’ve put together along with our L1Digital, our strategic partner.

21,750 USDC - for the 6 month period in total

  • Team Compensation (6,750 USDC)
    • 1 Project Manager (@consigli3re)
    • Contributors already have standing compensation agreements with VitaDAO in accordance with VDP-72
  • Reimbursements (15,000 USDC)
    • Up to $750 per event - benchmark based on recent budgets allocated for past events
    • Calculated from 10 ambassadors with the goal of 2 events each

9,500 VITA - for the 6 month period in total

  • Ambassador Compensation (5,000 VITA)
    • Up to 250 VITA per event
    • Compensation is based on performance according to Per Event Metrics
    • A score per KPI category will translate to a relative reward % that will deem the amount of VITA an Ambassador gets compensated with
  • Team Rewards (1,500 VITA)
    • Rewards are based on 10 VITA/hr in accordance with VDP-72
    • This is excluding the S-TIP based on Ambassador performance according to Per Event Metrics
  • Airdrops (3,000 VITA)
    • Up to 150 VITA per event for new onboarded contributors
    • This will allow new members to access our Discord and participate in governance via Discourse and Snapshot
    • This will also give Ambassadors the opportunity to walk through new attendees on how to contribute eg. How to vote for an active proposal on Snapshot
  • Agree
  • Revisions Requested (Detail in Comments)
  • Disagree
0 voters

Available on Snapshot for phase 3 voting
