I’ve been a bit out of the loop lately because I’ve been pretty tired (not even knowing why), but I figured I’d post a very generic broad topic about something that matters to me.
I think Vitadao has been doing well in 2022 and reached a lot of goals while facing a lot of challenges and I congrat all VitaCore Members and the whole community.
I think a lot of you did an amazing job, the Pfizer Eoi with Vitadao was a huge step toward the right direction.
Sadly, not a lot of people still have heard about Vitadao despite your best efforts and while a lot of worthless projects got the spotlight (we see now where it ended).
I think we’d really need to engage more with the community. I think it could be interesting to have regular people be able to participate in some long term project and be rewarded in advancing science problems: aka engage + free advertisement around VitaDao. Community involvement where there is a reward (longevityprize is great, but not for the average Joe I think).
What form could it take?
Decentralized Deep learning training? Chat gpt seems to be hot right now, is there any attempt (like already existing projects doing that to partner with) to decentralize training on end users computers and reward them for it (ultimately resulting in an open source data I suppose).
Mining (ie. folding at home) and reward users. Ripple did this in 2014 and got a lot of people to participate, even if i some people managed to gain the system I think. This or any type of science project requiring computer power. It should be also noted that existing projects like that (foldingCoin or Curecoin) didn’t really manage to thrive.
Something else, where the average guy can participate and feel like he is connected?
Those ideas are very easy to discuss, putting them forward (if relevant) would be of course not so easy. It should also be very clear if something is incentivized in Vita, that it should be possible and compatible with security laws (distribution) because we’ve seen enough crypto projects getting caught for instance in the SEC unclear ruling.
Sorry if some of those ideas have already been mentioned, Feel free to discuss.
Agreed, potentially also as colab with someone like dfinity, as we have some supporters that are also involved in that ecosystem…
Agreed! one idea was the nft project, with profile image nfts with all proceeds going to research… in general making it easier to directly contribute to funding research (for example with upcoming fractionalized ipnfts)
but think more importantly is enabling more people to contribute their brainpower to helping advance and solve longevity (the discourse graph mentioned above)
Another crucial one is also doing more longevity awareness and communication, such as sponsoring Eleanor Sheekey, or creating more video material ourselves directly as well, and being on crypto podcasts etc.
We can also enlist academics like PhDs and Postdocs to engage with us, receive tokens, and organically grow both our diligence engine, fundraising campaign, and also deal sourcing.
Would love it more so if it came from the efforts of our community! Maybe a good initial task for the Marketing Squad as part of the Community & Awareness WG.
we are currently updating the website to display everything we funded and enabled (such as through the gitcoin longevity round)…
imo paying to much for PR doesnt make sense for now but @alexdobrin and awareness crew is working on growth strategies, especially on raising awareness within the broader crypto community
I don’t know if we need dedicated PR but yes it’s about getting community that feels connected to this and engaged, part of something they belong to, I have no idea how to do that, maybe some have to do with network effect; communication and community engagement in social media are definitely important, it is really a job, I wouldn’t be good at it. I also proposed something (ie.) like protein folding because it has several aspects like: incentive, network effect, excitement for the result, engagement, but that’s just an example on top of my head. An advisor or several with a big aura could help too and also agree with Vincent, a podcast could help but also more like broad general science not too deep scientific stuff (like Lex Fridman but it’s probably not easy to get there) also partnerships in any form I guess.