Project Lead: Vincent Weisser
Team: Alex Dobrin, Laurence Ion, timrpeterson
Proposal for VitaDAO to donate $10,000 USDC to fund VitaDAO Longevity Fellows with micro-grants of up to $2k.
"We are funding people with need-based grants to help you to get more deeply involved in longevity ($100 up to $3k). For example, we would fund you to do research, take a break to focus on getting deeper into longevity, attend a conference, or join a program such as On Deck Longevity Fellowship.
The first fellowships were enabled by our generous donors from our Gitcoin project “Longevity Fellowship Grants” (massive thanks to Vitalik for his generous matching, alongside Stefan George, many others, and VitaDAO itself)!"
Due to the positive feedback from the broader community and fellows, as well as amazing unfunded applicants, we wants to fund a small new batch, and think this would go incredibly far to advance longevity research and our broader community.
You can read more here: VitaDAO Fellowship - Longevity DAO - Apply today, including the Fellows we funded and their efforts. A ton of fellows have been getting more actively involved with VitaDAO, from referring dealflow, to writing articles or supporting each other.
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