VDP-161: BIO Token Airdrop to VitaDAO Community

One-liner: Distribute 6.9M BIO tokens to VITA holders and VitaDAO IPT holders

Team: Web3 Pod

Objective: Strengthen the connection between BIO and VitaDAO communities while aligning governance participation through token distribution to active VITA and VITA IPT holders.

Project Overview:

This proposal aims to distribute up to 6.9M BIO tokens (from VitaDAO’s 21M total allocation) to the VitaDAO community through an airdrop mechanism. The distribution will target VITA token holders and VITA-IPT holders based on multiple snapshots to ensure genuine long-term community participation. The airdrop will use a tiered system to ensure fair distribution across different holder categories.

Key Deliverables:

  • Multiple Snapshots of eligible holders
  • Implementation of distribution tiers and caps
  • Distribution of BIO tokens via Streamflow
  • Implementation of claim mechanism

Implementation Plan:

  1. Multiple snapshots of eligible holders
  2. Implementation of distribution tiers and caps
  3. Distribution of BIO tokens via Streamflow
  • 80% (5.52M BIO) to VITA holders
  • 20% (1.38M BIO) to VITA IPT holders(VITA-FAST, VITARNA, etc)
  1. Implementation of claim mechanism

Timeline: 2 months (January, 2025 - March, 2025)

Budget: Up to 6.9M BIO tokens from VitaDAO’s 21M allocation from BIO Protocol


This airdrop strengthens ties between communities, enhances governance participation, and creates alignment while maintaining significant treasury reserves (14.1M BIO) for funding science.

Distribution Structure:

Distribution tiers based on combined VITA and IPTs holdings:

VITA Holdings

  • Whale tier : >=100,000 VITA holdings
  • Postdoc tier : >=50,000 VITA holdings
  • PhD tier : >=10,000 VITA holdings
  • Bachelor tier: >=1,000 VITA holdings
  • Vitalian tier :>= 100 VITA holdings


  • Tier 1: >=100 tokens of 1 of 3 IPT
  • Tier 2: >=100 tokens of 2 of 3 IPTs
  • Tier 3: >=100 tokens of all 3 IPTs


  • Locked/vesting tokens like |VITARNA and vVITA will also be taken into account.
  • Exact allocation per tier will be communicated soon after the snapshots are taken.

Benefit to VitaDAO Members:

Members gain increased governance capabilities through BIO token ownership, enabling participation in both VitaDAO and BIO governance ecosystems, fostering stronger cross-community decision making, while maintaining treasury reserves for funding science.

  • Agree
  • Revisions Requested (Detail in Comments)
  • Disagree
0 voters

Don’t forget about the small guys! :smile:


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Dear Community Members,

First of all, I would like to thank you for this well-prepared and detailed proposal. Overall, I find the suggestion positive. However, I believe that the 100 IPT limit should be slightly increased. Considering the Mcaps, the 100 IPT limit set for three different projects may be somewhat low.

Best regards


Hello Alex! Here’s my take about the airdrop proposal:

Overall, I find the airdrop proposal positive and well-intentioned in strengthening DAO governance. However, I believe some adjustments could be made to enhance its impact:

  1. Restructuring Tier Distribution:

While the “whale tier” category aims to reward large token holders, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee high participation in governance proposals. It would be interesting to clarify the voting power each tier holds, as this directly affects the DAO’s decentralization.

A potential solution could be introducing a token delegation system, allowing holders to delegate their voting power to representatives. These delegates could be organized by region or community, similar to what other DAOs have implemented successfully.

  1. Incorporating Additional Selection Criteria:

Beyond holding tokens, it would be beneficial to include other criteria in the airdrop allocation, such as token usability, participation in forums, attendance at events, and other activities that demonstrate genuine engagement with the ecosystem. This would ensure early adopters and active contributors to DeSci are appropriately rewarded.

I have additional suggestions to further improve this initiative and would be happy to share :slight_smile:



Great initiative!

two small questions:

a) How would vesting/lock ups work ? This should be added to the proposal to ensure everyone is directionally aligned long term

b) Would the Snapshots of holdings happen between Jan & March or before? Ideally early holders and backers are rewarded more…


I appreciate for your effort. However I think 200 IPT tokens would be reasonable considering market caps as well as supply.

How to be a member of trust_level_1

Wondering the same thing

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