Decentrilized trusted social network Exodus 2.0

The empathic connection between people is built on trust and is limited by Dunbar’s number - the theoretical limit of the number of relationships a person can maintain. Thus, a person’s trust relationship is limited to his F&F community but can be extended with the Six-degree Theory of Separation into a social graph of empathic connections with an unlimited number of trusted users.

Using open-source blockchain software to formalize the existing empathic connections - “handshakes” according to the principle “my friend’s friend is my friend”, a trusted referral list of p2p participants arises. The software enables effective peer-to-peer crowdfunding as a self-regulating process that builds personal reputation. A reputation-referral list, by definition, is a decentralized social network.

The resulting P2P trust-based network is a virtual social environment of mutual assistance, cooperation, and agreement, which has the potential to lead to a global social phenomenon of peace, prosperity, and well-being.

The Exodus concept is a digital social innovation that solves the “trust problem in the network” by overcoming the illusion of “separation” into “us” and “them”.

The concept of a p2p mutual aid network described in Exodus 2.0 concept is a framework for the emergence of a global decentralized social network of mutual trust. This model is based on voluntary participation, transparency, parity, and self-regulation, with reference and reputation serving as the necessary and sufficient conditions for mutual trust among members of the network community. Trust is key to the development of direct cooperation, which can lead to a p2p economy where the benefit of everyone is calculable. The model promotes consent over coercion and is based on open-source software with no ownership.
The concept is in the stage of completed R&D with working prototypes. For mass self-organization, it is necessary to solve a number of understandable technical and marketing issues. With hope for understanding and cooperation.

Was this written with ChatGPT? Edit: ok maybe it is serious but still don’t see what op is implying here.

please read the detailed description of the concept using the address indicated in the title of my post.

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