VDP-52 stewards election proposal options

Important announcement

As discussed in VitaCore and refined in the Tok <> Gov <> Tech working group call of Sep 6, we will postpone the steward reelections once again. With the fundraise still ongoing (see VDP-54 and Strategic Contributor Proposals - VitaDAO), the capacity of most working group stewards is currently limited. To avoid obstructing the ongoing fundraise, the steward reelections will start two weeks after the fundraise has officially been announced as completed but necessarily in Q4 2022. On that day, the elections will open and remain open for another two weeks before they close. The steward reelections will take place in accordance to VDP-19 (see also Announcing the upcoming Steward (Re)Elections), unless changed through governance in the meantime.

Please share your thoughts and questions here or ideally in Discord in our cross working group channel.

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