You’re right that, as of right now, VDP-19 Stewardship Process is the only governance on the stewardship (re)elections that is in effect. VDP-36 Stewardship Process Amendment #1, VDP-51 Stewardship election [counter proposal] and VDP-52 stewards election proposal options (this proposal) are all in governance right now and, of course, not yet in effect.
That said, based on our current governance framework as defined in VDP-1 VitaDAO Governance Framework and subsequent amendments, I believe there everyone has the right to propose another VDP that changes these rules.
While I personally would prefer to stick to VDP-19, we’ll have to see how this proposal develops and, if it passes snapshot before August 1, see what this means.
For me it is out of question that we need to fundamentally revisit the construct of VitaCore, the roles of stewards and how all of these roles and authorities are always held accountable to the DAO, act transparently and subject to change by the preferences of the DAO.